Sunprint Kits
What will you do with your Sunprint Kits?
Sunprint paper is a medium as versatile as your imagination. Little or big? Single objects or intricate arrangements? Each size will stimulate your creativity in a different way.

Sunprint Kit
The Sunprint Kit is perfect for featuring single, small objects. The compact, square size makes experimentation easy, encourages grouping of prints, and is perfect for origami.

Super Sunprint Kit
The larger size offers a more flexible canvas to paint with thoughts and things. Print larger objects or make a scene, diorama or more elaborate works of art.

Master Sheets
Do you have an idea that is just too big for the smaller sizes? 24″ x 36″ sheets are now available.

Master Sheets
24″ x 36″ sheets
To order, please call 510-642-1016.